In infrequent situations there are problems with the website that you can report, for these situations, please the customer service contact form while logged into your account and report the issue.
More commonly, issues are encountered with credit cards being refused to process. These situations are almost always the results of using a billing address that does not match the address and zip code on file with the card issuer. Please verify this information when having issues with card processing. Contacting customer service with this problem will yield the same information as provided above.
Account login Issues.
If you are having an issue logging into
your account, you must follow the processes built into the website to
managing a change of password. We cannot assist with change of
passwords. Requests for us to set a specific password on your account after being unable to reset the password yourself are against policy and will not be honored. The only way to manage this is to use the password reset mechanisms on the store.
Special Consideration Customer Service Contact
If you are unable to login to your account, and this is not a password reset issue, you may need to contact us to investigate further towards a resolution. To contact us in this situation only (do not use for any other type of contact besides a website malfunction report assistance), contact us by finding the registration email you received as a confirmation and reply to this message and we will receive it and communicate from there.