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Peninsular Marine

Peninsular Engine New Home

December 15, 2024.

Currently Unique Diesel is in the process of migrating the Peninsular Engine product parts support to this website.

You may have been redirected from the former exclusive UDMarine online store that is now closed. Due to extended pressure from economic conditions we have been forced to reduce costs and overhead. One of those line items is the costs of running the online store. Remaining supported parts products may be available for sale here at a later date. Changes to product offerings and sales strategy will profoundly affect both marine and automotive offerings and are the force of economics.

Processes are underway to dramatically downsize the marine product line, by reducing overall product parts availability. All components are being evaluated to determine remaining limited product support. This marks the end of full components product support, remaining supportable components will be limited to the following terms:

1) Components that can be newly manufactured with current invested machining and tooling only.
2) Components with multiple sales history within the last 3-years and stocking sources available.

Current projections indicate supported products will reduced to a half of the previous offering. Inventory reduction is both virtual and physical, non-supported components will be removed to meet new space requirements. Items that are no longer supported for purchase individually will not be stocked leaving a few available for special order.

February 5, 2025 Update.

Currently many plans are in motion surrounding the Marine platform, far more things going on than can be disclosed. Current timeline is on or before March 1, 2025 for a product support announcement and or product availability online, or through a distributor. Until the aforementioned time we cannot fulfill or entertain any inquiries concerning the Marine platform.